Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Young student/athletes pitch in for Discovery cleanup

Fifteen Binghamton student/athletes participated in a volunteer "cleanup" effort Saturday morning (September 5) at The Discovery Center of the Southern Tier. Several weeks ago, as much as $25,000 in estimated damage was done at the center, most of it specifically in the Story Garden area. According to Pokey Crocker, executive director of The Discovery Center, local law enforcement officials have leads on suspects who may have committed the vandalism, but as of Saturday, had not yet made any arrests. There is a $1,500 cash reward leading to the arrest of the vandals.

Student/athletes and some family members and coaches received a tour of the Story Garden prior to beginning work. Nancy Hargrave, of The Discovery Center, showed everyone where the vandalism had taken place, and what has already been done to rectify the damage.

Nancy Hargrave, shown here, at right, showed the student/athletes photos of the vandalism, as well as pointed out areas that are still not yet fully restored.

Here, Hargrave points out areas of damage in the Story Garden.

Hargrave talked about the importance of community support for The Discovery Center, as Christian Sezenias, Gracie Jensen and Chloe Brauer listen.

The damage spanned most of the Story Garden, as well as the grounds of The Discovery Center.

Students did weeding in the flower and plant beds. Here, Jonah Chambers attacks some weeds.

To start his morning, Roberto Jensen joined Chambers in the weeding department.

Zion Burwell attacked the weeds, although gnats were intent on attacking Burwell. (Soon after this photo, Burwell was covered with bug spray.)

Adana and Sydney Brauer led the weeding charge.

Gracie Jensen and Chloe Brauer attacking weeds.

Getting ready for some heavy lifting were: Matt Whiteman, Nick "Dirt" Gilbert, Gabe Whiteman and Alex Gilbert.

Some of the student/athletes were charged with creating foot-deep rock frames around various flower beds.

Nick Snyder nearly drops a large rock on his friend, Nate Keuter.

The rock brigade

Snyder was a work horse on Saturday, hauling literally thousands of pounds of rocks.

Gabe Whiteman

Nate Keuter, John Sezenias and Alex Gilbert
Nick "Dirt" Gilbert
Nate Keuter, Nick Snyder and Gabe Whiteman
Nancy Hargrave and Randy Gilbert pull a wheelbarrow filled with rocks.
Mary Gilbert and Heather Snyder weeded and planted on the hillside in the Story Garden.
Nick "Dirt" Gilbert works on the hillside with his dad, Randy Gilbert.
John Sezenias and Gabe Whiteman
Kyeem Holmes, Roberto Jensen, Zion Burwell and Jonah Chambers
Adana Brauer
Matt Whiteman, Alex Gilbert and Adana Brauer
Gabe Whiteman worked in the composting piles.
Kyeem Holmes watered plants and flowers on the hillside.
Sydney Brauer spent much of the morning weeding flower and plant gardens.
John Sezenias
Gracie Jensen and Chloe Brauer
Shirley and Erin Goodman
Kyeem Holmes and Zion Burwell
Nick Snyder, Jonah Chambers and Kyeem Holmes
The crew
Kyeem Holmes, Roberto Jensen, Nick Snyder and Jonah Chambers
Gracie Jensen and Chloe Brauer
Kyeem Holmes, Roberto Jensen and Zion Burwell
Fifteen Binghamton student/athletes participated in a volunteer "cleanup" effort Saturday morning (September 5) at The Discovery Center of the Southern Tier. The cleanup went from 9 a.m. to noon and the work was mostly performed in the Story Garden, but also near the entrance of The Discovery Center itself.
The purpose of the cleanup was two-fold. It was in response to the recent vandalism, as well as to help prepare the grounds for the "back-to-school season," during which many young school children visit the facility for various programs.
There will be a couple fundraising events coming up soon, both intended to help raise funds to purchase security system equipment. According to Nancy Hargrave of The Discovery Center, Price Chopper recently donated security cameras to the center, but funds are still needed to purchase equipment to put the cameras into play.
From noon to 5 p.m. on September 19, a band called "Pirates of the Susquehanna" will perform at the Country Pines on Route 26, Endwell. It's billed as an "adults" event, with proceeds going to The Discovery Center.
A more family-oriented fundraiser is scheduled for October 3 at The Discovery Center. Admission will be $1 per person, or $5 per family. Price Chopper will donate hot dogs and hamburgers for a barbecue, and Hargrave said the food will be sold to attendees for a "very reasonable" price.
Two bands will play on October 3, said Hargrave. They are "Hover" and "Groove Garden." For more information about the fundraisers, contact The Discovery Center at (607) 773-8661.
And now for something ... you know.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! This is such a wonderful set of pictures. Thank youso very much for a great day, great team work, and enthusiam galore!Thank you for sending your talented kids our way. Hoep to see you in the Graden again soon.
    By the wya, someone left a balck zippered swaetshirt/jacket thing...could that be oen of your guys??
    Nancy Hargrave
