Sunday, May 31, 2009

Coming soon ...

"The Curious Case of Victor Salcedo" (a friend who was recently arrested for chipped paint on his window sills), as well as questions for all Binghamton's mayoral candidates (I'll be sure to e-mail all candidates with specific questions and report back their responses, or if they choose not to respond, then that, too).

I'd also take suggestions from you, on other topics of interest, and as the mood strikes, I'll query other public officials in the community, as well, about various subjects.

But perhaps most near and dear to my heart will be a photographic tour of the City of Binghamton's deteriorating housing stock.

A little more than a year ago, I took various photographs of perceived city code violations while using the city's on-line "Report a Problem" function, which I've linked here.

I reported some egregious violations citywide, and while a handful were addressed, most were sidestepped. At the time, I received an e-mail from the city's executive assistant to the mayor, in which he told me that my "volume" of complaints, coupled with the vicinity of the reported violations to my own home, were factors in the city "prioritizing" their efforts (away from my legitimate reports).

On this blog site, I'll revisit that effort and this time, I will target only properties on the city's West Side or, as some would call it, the city's "near" West Side.

I'll do what I can to keep you updated on one person's efforts to push for better, fair enforcement of the city's code enforcement, sprinkling in other viewpoints as we go.

Because this is a personal endeavor, and because the posts you see here will be generated entirely by me, I take credit and blame for all of it. I'll listen to opinions, as I always do, but when it's all boiled down, you'll get my take here and it'll be solely ... out of my mind.

Feel free to contact me with your comments or suggestions at:

And now, for something completely different.